Ashburton Messy Church

West Street, Ashburton TQ13 7DT

Contact this church

Phone : 01364 654067
Contact name : Jane Ashton
Contact Jane
All ages welcome. We are a Messy Church family and we share the bible stories crafts and a hot meal once a month. We sing songs and play together. Learn new songs and make music. Laugh and cry together learning and listening from each other. We spread the stories from the Bible. Becoming a member of Ashburton Messy Church opens the door to other activities like Breakfast @ 9am , Holiday Club, Moor Church and Family Services in the Big church.

Opening hours

Second Saturday in the month in St Andrew's Church and the Church Hall for our meal together. staring at 3.30 for 4pm Finishing 6.15pm after a hot meal. Everyother mouth Messy Church bags are delivered to families who are registered. eg February 12th in person in the church: On March 12th Bags will be delivered, then this is repeated.

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