How to…

Published 24th February 2023 by ed.wilkinson

‘How to…’ guides are short ‘TED talk’ style videos on key issues facing Messy Church teams. Written and recorded by subject matter experts from across the Messy Church network, these ten-minute videos are for time-poor Messy Church teams to get some top tips for tackling particular challenges.

Our first four subjects already underway are ‘Team: doing more with less’, ‘Food and eating together at Messy Church’, ‘Advertising: making your Messy Church loud!’ and ‘Messy SEND’.

If you have a suggestion for a topic we should be covering or would like to offer your expertise on a particular subject, please get in touch!

1. How to build your team

Download the top tips PDF

2. How to advertise your Messy Church

Download the top tips PDF

3. How to welcome people with SEND

Download the top tips PDF

4. How to feed your Messy Church

Download the top tips PDF