Kirkby Lonsdale Messy Church

Contact this church

Phone : 07768 070114
Contact name : Peter Deaville
Contact Peter
Church is set back down a passageway between houses, opposite the entrance to St Mary's churchyard. There may be a small amount of free parking opposite the Church. More free parking is on Fairbank on the road past the Orange Tree pub leading out of town. Alternatively there are 4 pay and display car parks in town – in the Market Square, on New Road opposite the Post Office and two car parks by Booths supermarket.

Opening hours

Our Messy Church is held in Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Church, from 4.30pm on Sunday afternoons of the 21 January, 17 March, 12 May, 21 July, 15 September and 17 November. Each Messy Church finishes with a meal together to which you're all invited. The sessions finish by 6pm.

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