Messy Church at Saint James

29 Pearl Street, Kingston, New York, United States 12401

Contact this church

Phone : (845) 331-3030
Contact name : Rebecca Leibowitz or Pastor Robert Milsom
Contact Rebecca
The church parking lot and county government building parking lot may both be used. The lots are adjacent to each other - both are accessed from Pearl Street. The church entrance reached from the church parking lot is wheelchair accessible. We always celebrate communion at our messy church. It is gluten-free and dairy-free. We provide gluten-free, dairy-free options for our meal as well.

Opening hours

We usually meet on the first Saturday of the month at 4PM at Saint James United Methodist Church. St. James is located on the corner of Fair and Pearl Streets, in Kingston, New York, in the United States. Please note that we take off certain months due to holidays. You can confirm our schedule on our Facebook page:

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