Messy Church @ Bairnsdale Uniting Church

9 Lanes Road, Lucknow, Victoria, Australia 3875

Contact this church

Phone : 03 5152 2327
Contact name : Sue Harrison
Contact Sue
You will be made welcome. We use the main church building and there is plenty of parking. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and the adults enjoy the program and the activities as much, if not more than the children. Our youngest participant is 12 months of age, and the oldest is a grandmother and grandfather. I

Opening hours

Messy Church is held on the 2nd second of each month, during 2022. We are holding an intergenerational service on April 10 at 11 am, and in September to avoid school holidays we will be holding MC on September 11. We are planning a special Christmas series which will be held in December. Contact Rev Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt for further information

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