St Asaph Messy Church

High Street, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0RG

Contact this church

Phone : 07841 160430
Contact name : Marion Hughes
Contact Marion
Messy Church services and Holiday Club events end with a meal, so please let us know if you or your children have any allergies or food intolerances before you join us, so that we can be prepared and accomodate your needs. Look forward to meeting you!

Opening hours

On 1st Sunday each month at 11am. in St Asaph Parish Church, at the bottom of the High Street. Holiday Club meets on Wednesday mornings in school holidays and runs from 10.30am-12.30pm. Easter Club will be held from 10-12.30 on Mon 11th-Thurs 14th March, For additional and current information, see St Asaph Parish Church Facebook page.

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