Wigtown Messy Church

Bank Street, Wigtown DG8 9HT

Contact this church

Phone : 01988 402314
Contact name : Renita Boyle
Contact Renita
Our Messy Church Messtivals regularly link in with community festivals and gatherings. Therefore, we are regularly found out and about rather than in a single location. August- Messy Bramble Ramble; September- Messy Book At Bedtime; October- Messy Jelly Jamboree; November- Messy NativiTREE; December - Messy Christingle; January- Messy New Lyfe; February- Messy Pancake Relay; March- Messy Welly Wander; April- Messy EGGstravaganza; May- Messy Pentecost; June- Messy Horseplay, July- Messy Relay for Lyfe. We also hold Messy Extras.

Opening hours

Monthly- variable dates & times (as posted in our FB group). Contact 01988 402314

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