A History of our Faith in 100 Objects

Published 5th October 2010 by lucy moore

Well obviously it’s plagiarism but with any luck, blatant enough to be acceptable. We’re going to try out a series of 60-second ‘testiomonies’ in our Messy Church, based around physical objects, with the idea that personal stories give the congregation something easy to respond to and ponder on and relate faith to everyday life.
Drawing shamelessly on the sucess of Radio 4’s A History of the World in 100 Objects, we’re going to have people talking to a stopwatch about what an object means to them in their faith journey. Lesley’s bravely doing the first one. I think it might be a coffee cup, but I don’t yet know why. I’m intrigued already.
We might photograph them and start an album or a display if we feel organised… what fun!

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