And so my final day in Edmonton. A morning at church (where I discover that ladies of a certain age the world over take approximately 45 seconds to turn the conversation to intimate health issues, even with complete strangers) and a quiet afternoon as we were all too exhausted to go bison-hunting. This proves my theory that there is no wildlife in Canada. It is all a myth perpetrated by the Tourist Board. I added a mere two sparrows and a white cat to my tally. And made the interesting discovery that a Canadian magpie makes a noise like a rubber duck being repeatedly sat on by an elephant.
The flight home was in the company of a young Canadian figure skater come to train for the summer months at Nottingham icerink. She was full of drive, ambition, vision, confidence and though it was hard to assess her degree of talent whilst jammed into Economy Class, she obviously felt that the future was packed with opportunity. Her mum had loved her enough to let her leave home for two months and spread her wings. Without wanting to get too sentimental about it, I feel the same for Messy Church, the young fresh expression I’ve helped drop off in Canada. It’s all in such good hands: those of the wonderful people who have shown me what real hospitality to strangers is – Elizabeth Northcott in Ladner with her warmth, glowing enthusiasm and seemingly endless reservoirs of love for the people in her parish; Louise Peters, the Dean of Kamloops Cathedral and Barbara Andrews, the bishop, with their creativity, drive, wide vision and bubbling energy; Maddie, Quinn, Thomas and the dynamic clergy of Edmonton Diocese who, if they can manage that level of energy and incisive questioning at the end of a clergy conference, will take Messy Church on with astute and clear strategic planning that can only enrich our understanding of what God is doing through it all.
I need more time to reflect on my Canadian adventure, but as I sit here at home, reeling slightly with jetlag, I am filled with gratitude for having been given this fantastic opportunity to travel and enjoy so many people and places, for the sense of sowing seeds and for the love of Christ bouncing round the world that’s made it all possible. My prayer is that the ideas behind Messy Church will be used sensitively in that different culture and climate to help more people enjoy this warm global family in a cold world. And that perhaps one day I’ll be able to return.
And see a bear.
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