Follow-up course ideas?

Published 30th June 2010 by lucy moore

Lots of queries at the moment: anyone any thoughts on Cara’s question below? Do let us know at
I can only say unhelpfully that when we offered an Alpha Course in the early days we had zero response and felt rather stupid and pushy for offering it at all. But we weren’t very imaginative and hadn’t suggested doing it as a family. I know the Youth Alpha material is good, though we haven’t tried it in an all-age context. Any wisdom? Cara writes:
‘My name is Cara and I work for St Giles Church in Northampton as the children and family minister. We have been running Messy Church with another church in a village since Christmas and it has been going really well – the opportunity kind of just emerged, and it has been brilliant!
‘Whilst that is working well, we recognise the need to do something for families that’s focused around the Alpha topics (Messy Alpha!?). At the moment we are in the very early stages of just talking about when it might start and getting a team together, ready to launch it with the Alpha Course in September.
‘I’m wondering whether anyone has done this before and whether material is available for this type of thing? Would be great to hear of any ideas you might have, God Bless, Cara Witheyman’

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