Friends and Heroes

Published 7th June 2013 by lucy moore

Friends and Heroes have some great videos that are just the right length for use in Messy Church celebrations – 2-3 minutes or thereabouts. They use footage from the Friends and Heroes DVDs to illustrate the song lyrics, so they go beyond just the story in the title. They’re excellent quality, both in sound and images, and the style is attractive to adults and to children. And the Christmas one has a most attractive donkey. Well worth checking out and seeing where they might fit with your themes over the coming year, even if you’re not covering that exact story. These are free, which I think most generous of F&H and you can see the rest of the resources on the same website.
Some suggestions for themes might be
Prayer/faithfulness/standing up to opposition – Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Love, generosity (see Get Messy! August 2013 and the 2013 Messy Month material), justice – What about love?
Freedom, hope, death (see Get Messy! November 2013) – There is always hope
Easter or, as Sue Smale used at their Messy Church, Holy Communion – Remember Me
Christmas or God’s love for outsiders – He chose the shepherds

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