Gingerbread Nativity prize winners

Published 6th August 2014 by jane leadbetter

Congratulations to Canford Parish Church, Wimborne, Dorset, Breakfast@9 group and St Catherine’s Church, Crook, County Durham! Both churches were inspired by Renita Boyle’s Gingerbread Nativity book and baked, decorated and displayed their Nativity sets at crib festivals and services. Churches Together in Crook linked the idea with their Messy Nativity Sheep Trail.
Sharon Cooksley, Children and Families Coordinator at Canford Parish Church says ‘This craft project has enabled our families to really connect with the Christmas story in a new and exciting way.’
Christine Hodgson on the St Catherine’s Children’s Ministry Team says ‘Many people from the community came to view the cribs. A Messy Church session on the Saturday included a crib quiz and many voted the Gingerbread Nativity Crib as their favourite.’ 
Both churches will be repeating their Gingerbread Nativity experience this year.

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