Make us cry!

Published 7th June 2016 by lucy moore

Flo’s just given us a sneak preview of the survey responses that have been coming in. Big mistake! I’ve spent the last half hour weeping. It’s been a day full of admin – no bad thing, but rather inhuman and distant. And then, wham! I started to read the comments from the families and leaders who go to Messy Churches. And suddenly I see clearly why we do what we do and how incredibly gracious God is being to us in our Messy work, and what amazing changes he is gently working through individual Messy Churches in real people’s lives, and the sniffing starts. I mean, who wouldn’t get tearful at this:
‘I enjoy Messy Church and so does my daughter, so much so that I have recommended and had friends join us for a group and they have been coming to every Messy Church since.’
‘It has made me think there is more to going to church than just listening to someone talk for an hour or so.’
‘What I thought was a stuffy old church comes alive on Messy Church day, literally flowing out of the door and bursting with life.’
We WILL share the fruits with you, so you can join us in our emotional outpourings, but we need lots more responses before we can be sure of the lie of the land. Please would you get your team and your Messy families to fill in the short survey for us?
Yours, from deep within a tissue

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