‘Maximising the Mess’ Mondays: SEND in Messy Church

Published 11th April 2016 by Messy Church

Round 2: ‘Maximising the Mess’ Mondays: Welcoming people with SEND to Messy Church
Most Messy Churches will find that families in which one person has special needs of some sort are starting to come regularly. This is a huge joy and privilege. As a diverse and all-embracing church family, we long for everyone to feel safe, welcome and valued at Messy Church, whatever their needs. Some leaders and team members can feel ignorant about how best to welcome people who don’t fit the norm: we hope these easy steps will demonstrate how it’s not rocket science nor does it need specialist knowledge. Instead, it’s simply about being a great host to everyone. We’re very grateful to Trish Hahn, our Messy SEND coordinator, for her expert help with this.
Martyn Payne recently visited Trish at her Messy Church. Here are some reflections. 
Messy Church has proved to be a winning formula in so many different social contexts, attracting people to try church again or for the first time. The added dimension of sensitivity towards those with additional needs in their families, evidenced by simple practical ideas and signage which made them welcome, meant that the tried-and-tested Messy formula of activities, sensory worship and food was a runaway success.
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