Merseyside Messy Meet-up

Published 23rd July 2011 by lucy moore

Jane writes:Only two hours and so much to share – a wonderful morning in Waterloo with 17 local churches represented and nearly 40 folk sharing their messy stories so far. Issues which came up during the table talk time:

How can we invite others to take on lead roles?
Everyone gets so excited when large numbers come but how do we judge success?
How can we help the Sunday congregations to accept Messy Church as an individual church congregation and not a stepping stone to Sunday church?
What do we do when growth in numbers puts a strain on the church buildings?
How can we disciple all involved in Messy Church?
Where can we go for funding help?
How can we build a larger team? Should we rely on the Sunday congregation?
What changes in our language will help us to engage with our community?
This is an ongoing responsibility, not organising the odd event.
Are we targeting who we want to come?
Should we encourage everyone to give a donation or ask the supporting church to fund Messy Church?

Good news of what is happening:
Messy Church in Formby is starting a six-week Nooma course in the local coffee shop. Five adults signed up for it last week.
‘We encouraged our messy team by cooking a meal for them and having a social time.’
‘Surestart have heard about our Messy Church model and gave us funding to use our buildings and they are putting on a summer holiday club for families using the welcome, crafts, storytime and meal programme that we use. This has encouraged the WHOLE church so much.’
‘The staff in the school give even more time after school and plan and supply the crafts.’
‘This summer we are offering Messy Mondays each week to our community.’
” We had less in numbers at our last MC but we really enjoyed the opportunity to talk to people and listen to them.”
After watching the ‘TEAM’ section of the Messy Church DVD, making a clay heart encrusted with sequins for the worship time, engaging in a Godly Play style Messy Church presentation and sharing the Messy Grace, 37 Messy resources were snapped up at the bookstall for even more ideas.
Thank you God for our Messy Meet Up time.

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