Messy Church is great because…

Published 5th November 2013 by lucy moore

There was a fantastic day earlier this year about Messy Church, hosted by Southwell Diocese. Nick Harding was kind enough to send us the notes made during the day. We’re still reflecting on the thoughtful flipchart notes from each session, but in the meantime we pass on the list below in which delegates say why they think Messy Church is great.
Messy Church is great because …..
People learn well through activity.
Families come in to church, who would not otherwise have come.
Dads come and join in.
It gives opportunities to talk about Jesus to people who are not “churchgoers”.
It is welcoming, transforms lives, tells the stories of Jesus. Involves parents, develops leaders. Is fun. Changes the church. Links with other stuff.
It is welcoming, involves parents, develops leaders. Sows seeds, changes the church. It’s fun. Helps us share Jesus.
Connects to new families that haven’t been to church before.
…it asks questions of what church is.
It brings families together so that they can come to find out about God. It gives parents a chance to take part in craft with their children. It is fun.
It’s told families in our community about God’s love.
Shown people around our church that they can learn about God and have fun.
Exciting. People are coming and engaging, who would not normally come to “church”. It is “church”.
It means our building and people are not just about Sundays.
It is inclusive, accessible church for people in our community.
It brings new life to our church. It feels a natural way of sharing Christ.
It’s full of life and fun. It’s full of life and fun with Jesus.
It’s the natural way forward.
It appeals to adults and children (grandparents etc). It is exciting and a fun way to learn about the good news of Jesus.
It brings people into the church who wouldn’t normally be there, it’s fun.
It enables people to find out more about God and the love of Jesus, through food, fun and worship. It’s awesome.
People are developing skills they were unaware they had. God if helping us to grow closer and we are having fun.
We are growing closer together. People are doing things they never did before. We are having fun. God is working with us.
It’s fun. People come who have no other church connections. It’s encouraged church members who have only one child coming on Sundays. It encourages families to do things together.
It’s brought in people from outside. A team from both churches of all ages. It makes church fun. It mixes church, children and those from outside.
Brought people from outside into church. Team from both churches and all ages. Makes church fun. Mixes church children and non church children who attend same school.
It provides an alternative ‘church’ to those who don’t join on a traditional Sunday Church service. It keeps helpers generating new ideas; it’s fun!
It reaches out to people right across cultures in our community. ‘Next step’ for schools work.
It reaches people who have not come near “Sunday” church – totally unchurched.
It gives us a ‘next step’ for those we meet in the schools work.
People are themselves and everyone owns it and feels they belong.
It’s brought a team of people together, willing to serve the community and share God’s love with those who don’t know him.
It’s seen new families experience God’s love and have fun at church!
It stimulates both sides of brain! It gives Sunday School a break (or a boost!) It tells children that church goes on all day and all week – God doesn’t have to be tidy.
It has widened the door of the church. It welcomes all ‘come as you are’. Leaders have a new and growing understanding of “church”.
It can/could involve the whole family together. It’s more relaxed/fun. We can do as well as be. It can involve fathers.
It could involve the whole family together. It’s fun/more relaxed. You can do as well as be.
Helps us make new relationships in community. Provides a spiritual need.
Families are comfortable with the format and enjoy doing the activities together.
It welcomes people who wouldn’t normally come to church.
It has fed into our all-age service. It has helped fringe members get connected and a little more integrated.
It’s accessible, non-threatening. Engage the ‘local’ community.
It is a safe place for families to ‘fit’ no matter what shape they are.
It has enables ‘first step’ contact with new families in the community.
It has brought new families into our church and brought some of our youth group to a Sunday service with a sister.
It also has brought a group of people together who may not have come forward otherwise.
Physical opening of church building to its surroundings
It’s brought so many families together to enjoy finding out more about God and brought team together in common purpose.

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