Messy Discipleship

Published 7th June 2013 by lucy moore

Messy Churches are trying out different ways of adding on extras to the actual Messy Church they run in order to help people grow in their discipleship. We need to share these stories so that together we can find the best ways forward for our Messy congregations and teams. It’s not about showing off or one-upmanship – it’s about trying to enrich the network and give more families the best possible chance of coming closer to Jesus. Your idea might be just what another church has been looking for.
Syl Hunt in Seascale is running Messy Moments as just such an ‘extra’:
Just to let you know that our Messy Moments went well… there were 21 folk there… three families from Messy Church… one of the families that haven’t been able to come to MC for a few months as mum is a nurse and her shifts have always fallen on that day, so it was worth it for them… other people were various members of both churches.
Our theme was Jesus the King… we had a cafe-style event with crowns drawn on the table cloths in which they wrote their prayers… a crown with all sorts of jewels, which had various words written on that described things that a king would have but, when taken away, we found Jesus had none of these.
Lots of cake after and ‘a good time was had by all’!
Have you got any ideas or stories to share – things that are working or that didn’t work?

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