Messy Giving and Receiving

Published 9th November 2016 by Messy Church

Last month I was invited to visit a Messy Church near Epsom in south London. Liz Townsend is the Messy Church team leader here, and she is so grateful for all the Messy Church advice and ideas available from BRF that she has encouraged her church to join in with our Messy Church £100 Appeal.
We arranged to film Liz and her team talking about why Messy Church is so important to them. When I arrived, the camera was already rolling, as the team spoke eloquently and enthusiastically about Messy Church and the important relationship of giving and receiving they have with BRF. And what a great Messy team they are! Liz’s team is a well-oiled machine delivering Messy Church to congregations that have sometimes exceeded 100.
That day there were 90 of us and there was no doubting the success of this Messy Church or the sincerity and huge commitment of all the leaders. I spent over three hours listening and then sharing ways in which they could develop what they are already doing well into something even better. This is just one strand of the support BRF offers, as well resources, training and encouragement.
At BRF, we are so grateful for churches like St Mark’s, who have recognised the work that BRF’s Messy Church is doing to sustain and grow the Messy Church network. The fact that they have turned this gratitude into an annual gift is so encouraging. We hope you will be inspired by Liz and her team to support this year’s Messy £100 Appeal, so more families can hear about Jesus and grow in faith.
Find out more about the Messy Church £100 Appeal.

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