Messy goings on in Petersfield…

Published 8th September 2008 by lucy moore

Just off the phone from Helen Mason, who is part of the Messy Church leadership team in Petersfield – a churches together venture. I only rang to see if she could help out with an event… and have emerged with a head full of praise of God and all he’s doing through Messy Church in the town.
I must get her to write something about it, but highlights include how one Methodist lady has been praying for four years for MC to start in her area… and how three mums on the school run on the first day of term asked Helen when it was happening again as they’d missed it so much over the summer break… and how brilliant it is that the different churches are all involved in it together… and how there’s a supermarket next door to the church if they run out of food… and how they’re all learning from each other about not necessarily having to hold 65 committee meetings before deciding to go ahead with something… how they’ve had between 50 and 75 people at each of the other MCs they’ve held so far…
Alleluia indeed, and what a great way to start the week.

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