
Published 30th November 2011 by lucy moore

Becky Sedgwick and her team have been thinking out of the box and developing their Messy ministry in an imaginative and inspiring way:
‘We just wanted to let you know about something we’ve started here at St James’, Devizes. We realised that our Messy Church didn’t really work for families in which the oldest child was still a toddler, but we wanted to provide something for those families, similar to Messy Church but tailored just for them.
‘So we started something called miniMess, which is really just a variation on Messy Church – we start with two or three very simple crafts, done at floor level, and then have a longer worship time with a simple Bible story, songs, puppets and creative prayer. Afterwards, we invite people to bring a picnic and if the weather’s good go outside to the nearby playground or if it’s cold bring in all our play equipment and transform church into an indoor play area!
‘We’ve run two miniMesses so far, and we’re really pleased to say they seem really accessible to very small people and their families, as well as providing a great way for people to get to know each other. Thank you for inspiring us!’

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