Northern Ireland

Published 27th June 2011 by lucy moore

OK, think uninhibited welcome and hospitality: that’s what I got from the people of Bangor and surroundings when I sallied forth at the weekend to lead a Fiesta there. Kevin Metcalfe of the Church Army had done a fantastic job of publicising the event and we had about 70 people present from the Church of Ireland and the Methodist Church and possibly the Presbyterian Church, but by the end of the day I was so confused about denominations and politics and not making any jokes about drink that there could have been another 15 denominations represented and I wouldn’t have noticed.
Kevin and team have been runnning Messy Church for five months or so and half of his attention was on the weather as on Sunday they were due to hold their Messy Church out of doors by the sea – a brave venture but entirely appropriate for the Bible Seasides theme they were looking at. Another couple of churches had also started Messy Church and were enjoying it: one breakfast group on a Sunday sounds particularly imaginative.
The kitchen team served up a luscious hot meal at lunchtime and there was plenty of time for talking as a big group and as separate groups in amidst the introductions to Messy Church, the DVD in full swing and an encouragement to think beyond just starting one, but to think right from the start about discipleship and being church.
A huge thank you to the generous people in Northern Ireland and every blessing as you seek God’s will as to whether Messy Church is going to be a useful way ahead for you.
And someone made me a pipecleaner shamrock too!

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