Not for everyone

Published 25th January 2012 by lucy moore

A story from Australia which shows Messy Church doesn’t work everywhere, and we thank Jim for his honesty and wish them every blessing in their ongoing service to young families:
Hi Team Unfortunately, we have had to suspend Messy Church due to lack of local support for the concept. We were getting very few participants, some of our Saturday night regulars but not all of them and very few others, if any. We have reverted to our Saturday 6pm all-age informal worship service, but use some of the MC concepts and ideas in that format. A neighbouring Uniting Church (about 10km away) now has a very effective and well-attended Messy Church which runs as Family Fun @ Five on Saturdays, so those few who were enjoying our efforts can now go there instead. We would like to stay on the email list if that’s ok. Thanks for all your help and ideas. Blessings Jim

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