Questions from the threshold #2

Published 4th June 2020 by lucy moore

Here are some of the responses from the network to questions raised on Facebook Live and in the previous blog post:
Some of the comments from Facebook in response
We have much to offer through Messy Church and I believe we will be needed even more in the future and look forward to what God has already prepared for us.
Perhaps there are multiple answers rather than one ‘right’ answer… I do not think there is a one size fits all.
Our unchurched families miss meeting and this fills the gap for them.
At Wildfires they were saying that we need to be in amongst the rubble, praying, supporting, seeing what we can do to help.
Yes, yes, yes! I’m finding this so much. Also a lot of grieving and an absence of space to share that together. Three of our Messy Church families (including my own family) have lost a grandmother in the last two weeks. The not being together is very painful.
I haven’t been permitted to ‘do’ Messy Church because of being furloughed but am really interested in the wilding/gardening aspect as ideas for our church garden have been forming strongly – and that is not part of my job, so can continue to develop those ideas voluntarily. Thank you for musing/questioning/puzzling so publicly.
‘See, i make everything new again.’
I think we will have a much clearer idea when schools return – for us in Scotland likely to be 11 August.
This time, that has been, and will come is kind of a fermention. We really have to be careful what we put in to fermention.
One thing that has been permanently at the forefront of my mind lately is HOPE. Particularly as we recently remembered Pentecost and the hope that Jesus’ followers must have had as they waited for the promised ‘helper’. We too are in a period of waiting, but we now already have the Holy Spirit amongst us and between the despair and unknown is hope. We’re creating a heart of hope outside our church by collecting decorated stones, rocks and shells and displaying them in a heart shape on the ground. The activity of decorating rocks in itself provides a creative distraction for all ages (as all our members are joining in, not just Messy Church families) and the sight of the heart will hopefully also provide a reminder to the community of the hope we have and so need. Sending best wishes and blessings to you all.
Messy wilding may be the way God is moving Messy Church into new places of growth.
I appreciate all of these difficult questions! I will listen for the Holy Spirit. Our creative, loving, connected Messy Church family will have answers; we just need some time.
Personally, I think there will always be a place for Messy Church. We may be dormant or coping in our own ways now, but I believe when the time is right, there is an opportunity for us to grow and blossom.
Love the idea of wilding. I’m aware of Messy Church teams working closely with local community/volunteer groups and perhap deeper connections.
It’s not letting Messy Church go in its praise and worship, but do we sing a new song of praise, as you say, a new model – messy in a bag/zoom worship.
I think we need some ideas so that it doesn’t collapse – our unchurched families need us!
Whatever we do in the future, our families will always need us to be there for them.
There has been some talk recently about us being able to hold some sort of open-air services in the not too distant future.
I like messy messaging – role more pastoral – keep connected.
‘Give us listening ears and open hearts, Lord.’
I think we all need to do it prayerfully, listen to what God is telling us to do. We are in that time of rest and waiting. I am sure that his words will speak to us.
Many blessings everyone as you allow the wild Wisdom Spirit dance in our imaginations and invite us to create the new.
I think the five core values are the wilding wisdom that the Holy Spirit is using is new ways already.
We should stick with the people in solidarity. What will this be in your context? I think that is the question.
Ohhhh… I like that ‘Wilding’ idea. And I’m interested in us listening to one another and doing some intentional learning in this time.
We need to do some radical reimagining of Messy Church for this time… maybe messy pastoring is our priority now.
But we are still trying to connect, that’s what matters.
Thanks be to God for this big Messy Family – it has been such a blessing in these last few months.

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