Sharing the Messy Church BRF Facebook Live! responses

Published 19th March 2020 by jane leadbetter

What a creative Messy Church family we have! We held our first Messy Church Facebook Live this week, and over 2,000 people were reached in one hour! You shared your ideas online to help each other continue Messy Church from a distance, as the coronavirus halts our normal sessions and activities. What a huge encouragement you are!
We hope to hold another Facebook Live soon. Meanwhile, here are the comments and ideas that you shared, in no particular order. Remember safeguarding practice and social distancing guidelines with some of these suggestions. Thank you.

Draw a rainbow and attach it in the front window of your home, to spread hope.
Painted stones trail.
Messy Church in a bag. Give out from a car park. Include an activity, prayer, recipe, Bible story, links to other resources.
Stream of live Messy Church on Friday 20 March in North Sweden at Svenska Kyrkan i Boden.
Print & Post worship for the elderly & vulnerable: Methodist Church services; Church of England services
Video yourself reading a Bible story and/or a puppet show to send to families or post on Facebook.
Create Messy sessions to do at home or use our Messy Church BRF ideas for home.
Light a candle initiative: A national call to prayer – Churches Together Sunday 22 March 7.00 pm.
Thy Kingdom Come resources.
Messy Pandemic resources from Messy Church USA. 
More Messy Church USA Family at Home resources.
Care homes on lockdown – send individual cards. Note of caution. Great idea to help the neighbours, but be aware of safeguarding. Local volunteers might not be vetted and there are opportunities for unscrupulous people to take advantage of the vulnerable. Don’t encourage people to identify themselves as needing help and use official helplines etc where possible.
Nicky & Becky Drake Worship for Everyone Live Sat 21 March 4.00 pm.
Facebook evening story times.
A Prayer O’Clock each week for prayers. A Messy joined-up prayer time.
John Hardwick resources.
We put cards through all our neighbours doors offering them help as needed. Used a template already existing.
Creative prayer ideas at Arnold the Praying Penguin.
Friends & Heroes free colouring book download.
Guardians of Ancora resource.
We are putting together packs with games, activities and cheap and cheerful meal cards. Also including links to things like Veggie Tales and family worship
My two oldest sons just said: ‘We’re sad that it won’t be Messy Church this week. But you know what, dad, Messy Church is bigger than the building. God is bigger than the building.’

May God bless you for all you are doing for the families in your communities.

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