Spirituality of parents

Published 4th July 2012 by lucy moore

This is a really interesting blog post from a parent who has just visited a Messy Church because of the fascinating reasons she gives for taking her child to church:
In our village we have a church. Now I am not Christian, and I am not an atheist. I believe in people’s beliefs. It was so beautiful being in the presence of God, their God. Something I really want to expose Caleb to from an early age, also because the club is fun and everyone there is kind. But I think it’s important that Caleb sees religion and understands it’s about an individual’s belief, not the actual God itself.
Anyways, as you can see, the day was spent playing with toys. He loved them so much. He’s too young for them, which of course got him even more excited. After that we had a ‘Messy Olympics’ with all the kids and parents. I did join in whilst Shelly sat with Caleb and watched. We then all went into the church to receive our medals. Caleb got one for just being cute I think! Everyone awed and applauded him receiving his award. We then sang songs and Caleb fell fast asleep on me so we had to take him home before sandwich and cake time!

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