I thought our Messy Directory would simply serve to help Messy Church leaders, but no! An email from Jenny Martin containing copies of two letters reveals how useful it is for our networked congregations too. So sign up, for the sake of all the Matthews and Daniels out there!
Hi Lucy
Here is copy of the thank you letter from 2 of the 3 chidren at our first Messy Church (St Paul’s, Tuckswood, Norwich). The boys were visiting their grandparents here in Norwich from Newcastle, and enjoyed it so much that they looked up their nearest Messy Church to their home – unfortunately 30 miles away – so maybe they can get another one started!!
Here’s what Matthew wrote:
Dear Elaine, Jenny and Bishop Peterthank you for Messy Church it was so good I liked the cars the Best the drum guitar is called a banjofrom Matthew and daniel
I think Matthew is 6, and Daniel younger! Bishop Peter is our banjo playing vicar (and yes, he really is a bishop too).
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