The importance of time off

Published 1st December 2017 by Messy Church

Ever since I started as the Messy Church intern, people have been saying, ‘Well, that sounds good, but what do you actually do?’! I still don’t have a nice concise answer, because each week looks different. One week I’m sitting in a cafe in York doing admin, the next I’m driving across the country to visit a Messy Church or attend an event. What I can say is that it’s keeping me very busy, and I’m having a lot of fun!
However, when you enjoy your job it is even more important to prioritise time off. Recently I have learnt the importance of proper rest, whatever that means for you. For me, it usually means doing something active: perhaps going for a swim, or a walk to explore a new place, and of course plenty of good food too! Advent is always a hectic time: getting everything ready for Christmas, planning the nativity, the carol service, the Christingle service and plenty more. But it is also a time to prepare your heart, ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth and at the same time look forward in anticipation to his return.
How are you planning to prepare for Christmas? Have you prioritised time to rest among the busyness December always brings? How can you encourage your Messy Churches to talk about the true meaning of Advent and Christmas?

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