When I grow up?

Published 10th October 2022 by Aike Kennett-Brown

What do you want to be when you grow up?  We often ask this question of children.  When my kids were at primary school, they confidently declared their chosen professions would be a sweet shop owner, a teacher, and an architect.  I could trace their influences to their current reading book, an inspiring teacher, and a cousin.  However, now they are in their late teens, with considerably more years of education under their belts, their answers are a little less self-assured. 
Their peer group are similarly angst ridden, trying to work out their place and purpose in the fast-approaching adult world, with three big questions: Who am I?  Where do I fit? What difference can I make?
Maybe these are questions we all have?  At MCIC22, Dr Paula Gooder encouraged us that we make a difference by the people we are becoming.  Whilst God loves us the way we are now, God also has a vision of who we can become in God’s love.  It’s the process of becoming more Christ-like, throughout the whole of life, and is not something that is easily measurable for a school report.
As we journey in faith, Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians declares that we ‘are being transformed into God’s image with every-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’ (2 Cor 3:12-18).  God’s glory is contagious!  I wonder, can you think of a person who shines with the glory of God?  Perhaps it’s someone who comes to Messy Church?  What is it about them that made you notice God’s glory?
The most awesome thing of all is that the ‘ready break’ glow is not confined anymore to a few Old Testament prophets or saintly members of your team.  Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can all encounter God through the Holy Spirit and become reflectors of God’s glory (2 Cor 3:16-17).  A key challenge for us is to make time to spend with God, so that we can ‘catch’ the glory.  Perhaps a small way to begin is to start by noticing when we see God’s glory each day and in the lives of our Messy Churches. 
For those of you wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up, my seven-year-old self would have confidently told you a mother and an osteopath.  I have indeed achieved both those careers, but God had further plans for me, revealing a new purpose as I spent more time in listening prayer.  It is reassuring, that despite the brokenness and cracks in our lives, we are making a difference as we become the people God intends us to be – shine on!
Aike Kennett-Brown
BRF Messy Church Ministry Lead
Picture is from the Messy Church Conference 2022, who did these children become?

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