Being Messy, Being Church: Exploring the direction of travel for today’s church

Published 24th March 2017 by becky.daltry

edited by Ian Paul

A series of essays by different contributors exploring what Messy Church brings to the wider church, how these different forms of church community can coexist, and what this might mean for the future of the church.

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“A timely book offering theological insight and asking probing questions into the creativity, mess and gift of an extraordinary phenomenon. A challenging and inspiring read for those leading, helping or simply wanting to understand more.”
– Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Questions addressed include: What will church look like in 20 years’ time? How can Messy Church help Christians unite a passion for mission with a heart for ministry? What can Messy Church and Sunday Church learn from each other?

The Revd Dr Ian Paul is Managing Editor at Grove Books and Director of Partnership Development at St John’s College, Nottingham, where he also teaches New Testament and hermeneutics.

Technical Details

ISBN: 9780857464880
Pages: 208
Published: 24 March 2017
Price: £9.99