by Valerie Prettyman
You’ll need:
- 2 level spoonfuls icing sugar
- 1 spoon white wine vinegar
- selection of food colourings
- card squares
- cocktail sticks
- a paste brush
Mix together the icing sugar and the vinegar. Then brush it completely over your card. Be generous in your application! Then dip the cocktail stick in the first colour of food colouring and hold it onto the card where it will start to spread in a snowflake pattern. Then introduce more colours. DO NOT USE TOO MUCH as it does spread!
Helpful hints: many people have out of date food colouring and white wine in their cupboards, which work fine on this activity.
They take 24 hours to dry so take the sticky cards home in something like a shoebox lid.
I do this with my U3A (University of the Third Age) class and we find it very relaxing to see how the colours mix into each other.
I hope you have fun trying this.