How do I get started?

You'll find the answers below. If you can't find the answer to the question you're asking, please contact us.

We’d recommend the book Starting your Messy Church to help get the basics in place. If you want to explain Messy Church to church leaders, then have a look at the leaflet An introduction for church leaders. Why not have a friendly conversation with one of the Getting Going team who can answer the questions you’re bound to have. You can also book your team onto an online training session. Contact the Trainers team for more information.

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Below are instructions on how to update your Messy Church details. There is a separate FAQ for updating your personal details.

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Below are instructions on how to update your details, like your name and email address. There is a separate FAQ for updating your Messy Church.

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If you have been asking yourself if GDPR affects Messy Church, the answer is yes. Click this FAQ to read more.

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