How do I manage my listing on the Messy Church directory?

You'll find the answers below. If you can't find the answer to the question you're asking, please contact us.

Editing my Messy Church on the directory

How do I edit my Messy Church?

If you added your Messy Church to the directory then you will be able to edit it from your account. First log in (there’s a tab for requesting a new password if you have forgotten it), then you should see your Messy Church(es) displayed in a list.

To change the information the public sees about your Messy Church, click the edit link to the right of your Messy Church’s name. After clicking this you will see (and change) all the different pieces of information relating to your Messy Church. Please do remember to hit the save button at the very bottom of the page.

I can’t see my church on my account page

If you cannot see a link to your church on your account page (like the image above) then please contact us. Please do not add the church to the directory again.

How do I change my Messy Church location?

Once you’ve logged in, click the Edit button. On your listing you will find there is a map. Simply drag and drop the pin using your mouse until the pin is in the right location. You can zoom in and out and switch to satellite view to make the location is correct. You can also press the ZOOM to my address button to centre the pin on your address.

If you have problems do contact us.

How do I remove my Messy Church from the directory?

Please complete this form to tell us a bit about your Messy Church and why it is no longer meeting. After you submit this form, we’ll remove the Messy Church from the directory for you.

How do I change the person responsible for my Messy Church on the directory?

If you just want to change the contact name and email address that is listed on the directory you can change that while still managing the online listing yourself – just edit your Messy Church and update the details. If you want to change the person who manages the online information, please start by completing this form.

What information is publicly available on the Messy Church Directory?

Information submitted on the Messy Church Directory is also covered by BRF’s privacy policy and terms and conditions.

  • The information you give us will be displayed on the Messy Church website for other Messy Churches and/or those wanting to attend a Messy Church (with the exception of the final section as indicated). As this information is in the public domain we recommend you create an email address specifically for your Messy Church.
  • All the information you submit may be shared with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church Team and BRF Minstries.

The table below contains specific information about which components of the directory information are public and which are only available to select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF Ministries.

Messy Church directory components

The name of your Messy Church Public
When it is held Public
Contact name Public
Contact telephone Public
Contact email Hidden on the web (users can complete a web form to get in touch); shared with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF
Church or building name Public
Address Public
Country Public
Postcode Public
Address Public
Special notes Public
Website Public
Facebook URL Public
Twitter Public
Denomination Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*
Type of church building Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*
Location type Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*
Start date Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*
Number of attendees Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*
Personal address Shared only with select Messy Church support team members, the Messy Church team and BRF*

* These items may be shared more broadly but this would happen in an anonymous way. For example, we might make public the average number of attendees at Messy Churches.

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