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Logos & publicity

We've worked with CPO to produce a range of branded resources, including banners and posters. There's information on using the Messy Church name and logo on other things you produce and the parameters within which you can do this.

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Logos & publicity

If you're opening a bank account for your Messy Church, please make it easy for the bank by opening it with a name that makes it very clear that it is your Messy Church

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Starting and leading a Messy Church

We'd recommend the book Starting your Messy Church to help get the basics in place. If you want to explain Messy Church to church leaders, then have a look at the leaflet An introduction for church leaders.

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View our page of international suppliers.

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Books published by Messy Church and BRF can be ordered from BRFonline - you will find links on each resource page. If you prefer, you can place orders by telephone (01865 319700, Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 5.00 pm) or by post (BRF, 15 The Chambers, Vineyard, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3FE).

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Logos & publicity

We've put together some guidance on photo and image copyright and also some advice on taking photographs. Click read more to see.

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