- Say you’re going to be a little part of (name your church) church at home today.
- Light a candle and pray:
With the light of this candle, we remember the light of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God, you are here with us now and also with our friends and family in their homes today.
Especially we remember that you are also with…. (invite everyone to remember people from church, school, extended family, neighbourhood)
Thank you, Jesus, light for the world. Amen
- Say: Today we’re thinking about eating together, which is something Jesus loved doing with his friends and something Christians have always done together, as have people of other faiths too. Quickfire questions for everyone:
- Favourite food?
- Worst thing in the world to eat?
- Best meal you’ve ever had with someone else?
- Weirdest place you’ve eaten a meal?
- If you could put anything on a pizza, what would it be?
- Enjoy Disney’s song from Beauty and the Beast ‘Be our guest’.
- Read a story where Jesus invites his friends to be his guest, not at a banqueting table, but by a campfire on a beach in John 21:1-14. This takes place after he has died and come back to life. As you read it, ask people to close their eyes and imagine themselves as Peter in the story. What can they see, hear, smell, taste, feel?
- Ask everyone to share anything that struck them from the story.
- Ask why everyone thinks Jesus wanted to eat with his friends.
- Can anyone think of any other time Jesus ate with anyone?
- Why does everyone think Christians eat together – either ‘formal meals’ like Communion, or other meals like Messy Church meals?
6. Pizza Prayers (from Holy Habits: Eating Together, BRF, 2018):
Cut a circle of paper into segments and give one to everyone present. One one side draw (or write) your favourite pizza topping, and on the other write one short line of a grace or draw something for which you are thankful.
The segments are returned to the table centre, topping side up, to form everyone’s favourite pizza. Everyone takes a slice at random and they are read out in turn.
- Psalm 23 describes a wonderful feast at the King’s table with cups so full that they’re overflowing. You could sing along to the version here.
- Say the Lord’s Prayer together, with or without actions, and point out the line about giving us today our daily bread.
- Say the Messy Grace if you usually do that at Messy Church.
- Blow out the candle, changing the light from visible to invisible light.
You’ll find recipes and edible activities on the Messy Church BRF Pinterest boards.