Get Messy! September-December 2021

Published 28th June 2021 by rachel tranter

Get Messy! is a four-monthly subscription resource for Messy Church leaders.

Each issue contains four session outlines (one per month), including planning sheets and take-home handouts, together with information on the latest resources and events.

It also seeks to encourage and refresh Messy Church leaders by providing monthly Bible studies, relevent and encouraging articles and a problem page. Other features include a youth column and stories from Messy Churches around the world.

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Sessions in this issue

  • Trusting is believing (Mark 10:46–52)
  • Alone and scared (1 Kings 17)
  • Sew miraculous! (Acts 9:36–43)
  • The birth of Jesus (Luke 2)

In detail

In the UK schools go back in September, so the story of Bartimaeus making a new start through Jesus’ power of healing could be tied into the new start of term. It’s a wonderful story that many children and adults will identify with – the determination to keep on shouting until God hears us and not letting anyone else get in the way!

In October, when Halloween celebrations preoccupy many families, we look at a time in Elijah’s life when he was scared and feeling isolated.

November celebrates a lovely woman called Tabitha, a member of the early church. But even more so, we celebrate the power of Jesus to bring someone back from the dead through his followers. At a time of year when we oft en remember people who have died, this story might be a good time to celebrate the gift of eternal life that Jesus gives.

And in December many of us will be wanting to go all-out in a wonderful Messy Christmas celebration, aft er the dreary restrictions of Christmas 2020. Our Canadian writing team for December have brought some great suggestions for activities. This might be a family’s one chance to hear the real story of Christmas, uncluttered by elves and Santas, jolly though these are. Let’s make the most of it!

Also in this issue

  • Lucy Moore writes
  • Stories from Messy Churches far and wide
  • Latest research of Messy Church and discipleship
  • Messy Church Goes Wild!
  • Messy young leaders
  • Meet the support teams
  • Messy Church Goes Cyber
  • Messy Masterclasses
  • Messy memories
  • Messy friendship

Support material

The following extra resources are available to download for this issue of Get Messy! 

Download support material PDF

Download ‘Taking a census’ spreadsheet for December activity 4

Session planning template