These activities are designed to help pray through and for times of change. They can be used on their own or alongside other activities.
Reconnecting love (download PDF)
Join up a fractured paper heart and ask God to heal the broken world.
Worrying (download PDF)
Make a worry ball and pray for peaceful nations.
Pathway to the future (download PDF)
Draw chalk words, or create a pathway from dominoes, and talk about putting building blocks in place for the future.
Islands: a playful and soggy meditation (download PDF)
Tell an interactive story about islands, fences and walls.
Prayers for repairs (download PDF)
Sew ripped cloth together to make a new shape.
Light in the dark (download PDF)
Stick bright prayers on to a dark background to show how Jesus is a light in darkness.
Solid foundations (download PDF)
Create a tower with Jesus at the centre.